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Flour - Stone Ground Whole Wheat, Soft White (Pastry) 3-lbs (shipped to you!)
Flour - Stone Ground Whole Wheat, Soft White (Pastry) 3-lbs (shipped to you!)
Because we mill our whole grains in house, you get the entire grain...nothing is sifted off. You also get a great dose of bran (prebiotic) and all the germ (aroma rich oils, B vitamins and micronutrients). This flour has terroir...
Soft wheats tend to be lower in gluten, so they are ideal for quick breads. We use this flour in our pie crusts, muffins, and cookies. It also makes the BEST buttermilk pancakes (a great way to re-introduce whole grains to people that say they don't like them!) If you are converting a white flour recipe into whole grain, start with a 50/50 mix. Some recipes work really well as 100% whole grain, others...may not have the texture your were going for.
Whole Food Minimally Processed Organically Grown GMO-free
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